The lighest BPA hose you’ll ever use

Irish International Trading Corporation, IITC, are exclusive distributors of ’Idroeasy’’ garden hoses in Ireland. There are two main hoses in the range – It’s Light & It’s Magic.

Idroeasy It’s Light is the lightest BPA hose your customer will ever use! The It’s Light ‘’Armadillo’’ hose is innovative, super light, anti-kink and made in Italy. It is made with nontoxic, food grade, first quality materials. Its unique features include anti-kink, and an anti-torsion (anti-twisting) patented structure, half the weight of traditional PVC hose. Compatible with all the usual hose fittings, the coil pack contains the It’s Light Garden hose and two quick connectors.

  • 30 years guarantee
  • Extra Light
  • Anti-Kink
  • Anti-Torsion
  • No latex phthalate & BPA free
  • 100% Recyclable

It’s Magic is not a regular garden hose set. Its Magic is that it’s an expandable garden hose that stretches up to three times its original length with water pressure. Maximum extension is reached after a couple of uses. It’s Magic Soft ultra-light is light and provided with a special kink and torsion resistant structure. It is completely nontoxic, manufactured with food grade, virgin materials. It doesn’t release any pollutants in the water flow. The hose pack is provided assembled with two Idroeasy quick connectors, an eight function nozzle with six different water jets and is compatible with all the usual watering accessories.

  • Ultra-Light
  • Anti–Kink
  • Anti-Torsion
  • Expands up to three times its length
  • Food grade materials
  • 100% Recyclable

Both hose options are sold in visually pleasing display boxes that can be stacked four high.

For further information please contact, Irish International Trading Company, Cork 021 4705800 / Naas 045 888300, email or visit